Here are highlevel steps for getting more out of QuickBooks and to help automate inventory quality controls and operations at the same time with DataNinja. For a deep-dive on the integration sync flows, click here.
Choose the Purchase Order line item that matches the inbound material and tap Receive.
Enter details like Lot Number, Expiration Date, and Quantity based on the material part number’s Unit of Measure (UOM)
Place the automatically printed barcodes on your inventory bags/containers/pallets.
If your quality standards require inspection of incoming materials before they can be released for use, setup a customized inventory inspection workflow so an electronic inspection document is presented to the employee right after labels are printed.
Once all delivered inventory is received successfully. Tap “Complete Receipt” in DataNinja to automatically issue a balancing Expense (Bill) in QuickBooks for the quantity received.
Scan barcodes printed during manufacturign into customer shipment. Enter infomration like the tracking number, carrier and notes. Print packing list.
Complete the shipment and DataNinja pushes the invoice into QuickBooks with the packing list attached.
Now the pulse of inventory and manufacturing operations lives in your pocket.
Prevent costly errors before they happen. See what is needed to work with quality and finance to get shipments out on-time.
How much of your day is spent communicating job status? Let the team see what's in WIP on their own.
See how it could work for you- book a demo with one of our experts and we’ll show you what the quality operations management platform can do.
Here’s what to do
+ Fill in your details and click “Submit”
+ We’ll get in touch to book a date and time
for a demo.
+ On the day, we’ll walk you through the platform
and show you how it all comes together.